quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011

Portugal: Memoradum de entendimento com a Troika

Aspectos directamente relativos ao Trabalho e Emprego (excerto da versão disponível em http://downloads.expresso.pt/expressoonline/PDF/memo_troika.pdf):
"Labour market Objectives:
Revise the unemployment insurance system to reduce the risk of long-term unemployment while strengthening social safety nets; reform employment protection legislation to tackle labour market segmentation, foster job creation, and ease the transition of workers across occupations, firms, and sectors; ease working time arrangements to contain employment fluctuations over the cycle, better accommodate differences in work patterns across sectors and firms, and enhance firms’ competitiveness; promote labour cost developments consistent with job creation and enhanced competitiveness; ensure good practices and appropriate resources to Active Labour Market Policies to improve the employability of the young and disadvantaged categories and ease labour market mismatches.
Address early school leaving and improve the quality of secondary education and vocational education and training, with a view to raise the quality of human capital and facilitate labour market matching.
Reforms in labour and social security legislation will be implemented after consultation of social partners, taking into account possible constitutional implications, and in respect of EU Directives and Core Labour Standards.

Unemployment benefits
4.1. The Government will prepare by Q4-2011 an action plan to reform along the following lines the unemployment insurance system, with a view to reduce the risk of long-term unemployment and strengthen social safety nets:
i.reducing the maximum duration of unemployment insurance benefits to no more than 18 months. The reform will not concern those currently unemployed and will not reduce accrued-to-date rights of employees;
ii.capping unemployment benefits at 2.5 times the social support index (IAS) and introducing a declining profile of benefits over the unemployment spell after six months of unemployment (a reduction of at least 10% in the benefit amount). The reform will concern those becoming unemployed after the reform;
iii.reducing the necessary contributory period to access unemployment insurance from 15 to 12 months;
iv.presenting a proposal for extending eligibility to unemployment insurance to clearly-defined categories of self-employed workers providing their services to a single firm on a regular basis. The proposal will take into account the risks of possible abuses and will contain an assessment of the fiscal impact of extending benefits under several scenarios concerning eligibility criteria (namely the involuntary character of unemployment) and requirements for increased social security contributions for firms making use of these arrangements.

4.2 This plan will lead to draft legislation to be adopted by the Government by Q1-2012.

Employment protection legislation

4.3. The Government will carry out reforms in the employment protection system aimed at tackling labour market segmentation, fostering job creation, and easing adjustment in the labour market:

Severance payments.
i. The Government will submit by Q3-2011 legislation to Parliament to implement a reform in the severance payments for new hires in line with the March 2001 Tripartite Agreement. Severance payments of open-ended contracts will be aligned with those of fixed-term contracts. The reform will re-design the system for severance payment entitlements as follows:
o total severance payments for new open ended contracts will be reduced from 30 to 10 days per year of tenure (with 10 additional days to be paid by an employers’ financed fund) with a cap of 12 months and elimination of the 3 months of pay irrespective of tenure;
o total severance payments for fixed-term contracts will be reduced from 36 to 10 days per year of tenure for contracts shorter than 6 months and from 24 to 10 days for longer contracts (with 10 additional days to be paid by an employers’ financed fund);
o implementation of the fund agreed in the March Tripartite Agreement to partly finance the cost of dismissals for new hires.
ii. By Q4-2011, the Government will present a proposal to align severance payment entitlements for current employees in line with the reform for new hires, (taking into account the revised link between entitlement and seniority and the cap to total entitlements) without reducing accrued-to-date entitlements. This plan will lead to draft legislation to be submitted to Parliament by [Q1-2012].
iii. By Q1-2012, the Government will prepare a proposal aiming at:
o aligning the level of severance payments to that prevailing on average in the EU;
o allowing the severance pay entitlements financed from the fund agreed in the Tripartite agreement to be transferable to different employers by means of the creation of notional individual accounts.
On the basis of this proposal, draft legislation will be submitted to Parliament no later than Q3-2012.

4.5. Definition of dismissals. The Government will prepare by Q4-2011 a reform proposal aimed at introducing adjustments to the cases for fair individual dismissals contemplated in the Labour Code with a view to fighting labour market segmentation and raise the use of open-ended contracts. This proposal will lead to draft legislation to be submitted to Parliament by Q1-2012.
iv. Individual dismissals linked to unsuitability of the worker should become possible even without the introduction of new technologies or other changes to the workplace (art. 373-380, 385 Labour Code). Inter alia, a new reason can be added regarding situations where the worker has agreed with the employer specific delivery objectives and does not fulfil them, for reasons deriving exclusively from the workers’ responsibility;
v. Individual dismissals linked to the extinction of work positions should not necessarily follow a pre-defined seniority order if more than one worker is assigned to identical functions (art. 368 Labour Code). The predefined seniority order is not necessary provided that the employer establishes a relevant and non- discriminatory alternative criteria (in line with what already happens in the case of collective dismissals);
vi. Individual dismissals for the above reasons should not be subject to the obligation to attempt a transfer for a possible suitable position (art. 368, 375 Labour Code). As a rule, whenever there are work positions available that match the qualifications of the worker, dismissals should be avoided.
Working time arrangements

4.6. The Government will carry out reforms in working time arrangements with a view to contain employment fluctuations over the cycle, better accommodate differences in work patterns across sectors and firms, and enhance firms’ competitiveness.
i. The Government will prepare an assessment regarding the use made of increased flexibility elements by the social partners associated with the 2009 Labour Code revision and prepare an action plan to promote the use of flexible working time arrangements, including on modalities for permitting the adoption of “bank of hours” working arrangement by mutual agreement of employers and employees negotiated at plant level. [Q4-2011]
ii. Draft legislation will be submitted to Parliament by Q1-2012 on the following aspects:
o implementation of the commitments agreed in the March Tripartite Agreement regarding working time arrangements and short-time working schemes in cases of industrial crisis, by easing the requirements employers have to fulfil to introduce and renew these measures;
o revision of the minimum additional pay for overtime established in the Labour Code: (i) reduction to maximum 50% (from current 50% for the first overtime hour worked, 75% for additional hours, 100% for overtime during holydays); (ii) elimination of the compensatory time off equal to 25% of overtime hours worked. These norms can be revised, upwards or downwards, by collective agreement.

Wage setting and competitiveness

4.7. The Government will promote wage developments consistent with the objectives of fostering job creation and improving firms’ competitiveness with a view to correct macroeconomic imbalances. To that purpose, the Government will:
i.commit that, over the programme period, any increase in the minimum wage will take place only if justified by economic and labour market developments and agreed in the framework of the programme review;
ii.define clear criteria to be followed for the extension of collective agreements and commit to them. The representativeness of the negotiating organisations and the implications of the extension for the competitive position of non- affiliated firms will have to be among these criteria. The representativeness of negotiating organisations will be assessed on the basis of both quantitative and qualitative indicators. To that purpose,the Government will charge the national statistical authority to do a survey to collect data on the representativeness of social partners on both sides of industry. Draft legislation defining criteria for extension and modalities for their implementation will be prepared by Q2-2012;
iii.prepare an independent review by Q2-2012 on:
- how the tripartite concertation on wages can be reinvigorated with the view to define norms for overall wage developments that take into account the evolution of the competitive position of the economy and a system for monitoring compliance with such norms;
- the desirability of shortening the survival (sobrevigência) of contracts that are expired but not renewed (art 501 of the Labour Code).

4.8. level. To that purpose, it will: [Q4-2011]
The Government will promote wage adjustments in line with productivity at the firm
i.implement the commitments in the Tripartite Agreement of March 2011 concerning the "organised decentralisation", notably concerning: (i) the possibility for works councils to negotiate functional and geographical mobility conditions and working time arrangements; (ii) the creation of a Labour Relations Centre supporting social dialogue with improved information and providing technical assistance to parties involved in negotiations; (iii) the lowering of the firm size threshold above which works councils can conclude firm-level agreements to 250 employees. Action for the implementation of these measures will have to be taken by Q4-2011;
ii.promote the inclusion in sectoral collective agreements of conditions under which works councils can conclude firm-level agreements without the delegation of unions. An action plan will have to be produced by by Q4-2011.
iii.By Q1-2012 the Government will present a proposal to reduce the firm size threshold for works councils to conclude agreements below 250 employees, with a view to adoption by Q2-2012.
Draft legislation will be submitted to Parliament by Q1-2012.

Active labour market policies

4.9. The Government will ensure good practices and an efficient amount of resources to activation policies to strengthen job search effort by the unemployed and to other Active

Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) to improve the employability of the young and disadvantaged categories and ease labour market mismatches. The Government will present by [Q4-2011]:
i.a report on the effectiveness of current activation policies and other ALMPs in tackling long-term unemployment, improving the employability of the young and disadvantaged categories, and easing labour market mismatch;
ii.an action plan for possible improvements and further action on activation policies and other ALMPs, including the role of Public Employment Services.